#614 |
What is it about the Knights Templar that interested you?
#628 |The whole topic is fascinating. Being a history buff, I only recently began reading about this period and the Knights Templar. There is so much myth and fiction available about this, past and present, that I wanted to learn more about the true story. I find it particularly interesting that a group that was so instrumental in protecting the interests of the church was later persecuted to near oblivion.
#629 |The whole topic is fascinating. Being a history buff, I only recently began reading about this period and the Knights Templar. There is so much myth and fiction available about this, past and present, that I wanted to learn more about the true story. I find it particularly interesting that a group that was so instrumental in protecting the interests of the church was later persecuted to near oblivion.
You are so right about that Charland. They did so much for the church, and in the end the church stood aside as King Philip the IV persecuted them.
The church would say that Pope Clement was in France and at the mercy of King Philip IV at that time so he may not have had many options but to stand aside. It seems that King Philip IV was a more responsible for the tragedy here. Although the church is not blameless either.
#818 |At first it was the legends that got me interested. Then when I read the version of Knights Templar history on Wikipedia it blew me away. I can see how the story spawned so many legends and myths. But really, the actual story is better than fiction.
#840 |It was the legends that drew me in at first, too. Books like Ivanhoe and stories about the Holy Grail and Shroud of Turin. I still feel like there must be some truth to these legends, else how would they persist for so long.
#880 |It was the legends that drew me in at first, too. Books like Ivanhoe and stories about the Holy Grail and Shroud of Turin. I still feel like there must be some truth to these legends, else how would they persist for so long.
You never know. It is established that the Templars took relics with them into battle. Could some of these relics have been authentic?
#2018 |what interested me in the Templars was the whole idea. knighthood, learning fencing the way the Templars did, they at the time were the greatest fighting force in their time. fighting for Christ in the name of. helping people. finding other God fearing people. the country is declining in faith and respect for religion and God. you can’t control someones choices but to be able to influence them in a positive manner and change the negative thoughts and let them see the light again, no matter how small the task. bringing kindness to someones heart is the greatest reward of them all. to see it in their faces. is the greatest thing. i will know then i did my job. you don’t need a sword to do battle all the time just kindness. when an elderly lady kisses your cheek for helping her carry her groceries, now that is just cool
#2020 |what interested me in the Templars was the whole idea. knighthood, learning fencing the way the Templars did, they at the time were the greatest fighting force in their time. fighting for Christ in the name of. helping people. finding other God fearing people. the country is declining in faith and respect for religion and God. you can’t control someones choices but to be able to influence them in a positive manner and change the negative thoughts and let them see the light again, no matter how small the task. bringing kindness to someones heart is the greatest reward of them all. to see it in their faces. is the greatest thing. i will know then i did my job. you don’t need a sword to do battle all the time just kindness. when an elderly lady kisses your cheek for helping her carry her groceries, now that is just cool
Very well said Michael!
#2046 |I think that I have always been interested in Knighthood. As a child I never wanted to play cowboys & Indians’ or Cops & Robbers, or Pirates or anything else for that matter. I always wanted to play at being a Knight. As I got a little older, I started to read about King Arthur & the Knights of The Round Table. Since then I have read everything I could get my hands on about Knighthood……The Knights Templar have always been special heroes of mine.
I studied Chivalry and then the Grail Code for more than 47 years. More than 27 years ago, my dream of becoming a Knight came true. After spending the night in the Church (Standing Vigil) I received the ‘Accolade’ and became a Knight of Columbus.
The Quest for The Holy Grail was never meant to be achieved. It was meant to be 'Lived' - now, today & forever. For God & Neighbor, I live & Serve.
#2905 |I had heard and read stories about the Knights Templar, even seen a few specials on them on TV. It wasn’t until I read the web page here that a lot of the story and history became clear. What struck me was their dedication to GOD and duty. It made me want to be part of the history.
#2907 |As a young child, I was always fascinated with the travels of Jesus. Of course during Jesus’ time there were Roman soldiers and thus an addition to the story that is told. Being one that naturally gravitated towards military things, during my “trips” through encyclopedias and library, I came across the Knights Templar. Initially of course as a child I never fully understood the true meaning and dedication of a Knight, but as I grew older and served many years in the military, I did become familiar with that dedication to our fellow man and selfless service. Having served literally all over the world and even visiting some of the locations our Christ walked, when the topic of Knights Templar came about, I naturally payed more attention. So for many years now I have researched and looked into joining a fraternal order but I only do so with very careful thought. My mother always told me to avoid impulse buying and to take at least three days before going forward with something you really want. She always said if you still want it in three days then you will most likley find it useful in your life. Well this time it took me close to 20 years. Being a Soldier the Masonic Order was always “there”, which I can neither say “yea” or “nay” on if it was all that it was supposed to be, as I never was one……but the sad fact that I investigated so many peple during my tenure as an investigator, of that particular order, it really made me question the company I would hold. So I have searched and researched and very much agree with the honor, integrity and Christian faith of the Knights Templar. A “poor Soldier of Christ” is well grounded in selfless service and acts of kindness where there is no expectation of gain. I do believe in strength of character and keeping oneself pute in body, mind and spirit…….though we are all human and naturally know we fall short of the grace of God, as it says in the Bible. I think all He asks is that we stand up and treat others as we desire to be treated and do what is right, always. The Army always preached integrity and the definition rings so true, to do what is right, even when no one is looking. To me a Knight Templar is the definition of many things and just one if them is true Christian integrity.
#2932 |I fear the Templars may be the last bastion of defense to our way of life. Due to political correctness i do not see current governments preserving their national identities in the face of civilization jihad. Better to operate in the shadows and steer things in the right direction.
#2944 |I fear the Templars may be the last bastion of defense to our way of life. Due to political correctness i do not see current governments preserving their national identities in the face of civilization jihad. Better to operate in the shadows and steer things in the right direction.
Amen Mike
#3001 |A search for the truth. A church is only as good as the members. Unfortunately in this day in age we are watching most churches fall or succumb to humanist influence. It is heart wrenching at the least and the only viable solution is to associate with those of the strongest faith in Christ. The Knights Templar hold true to the Christian beliefs and practices as other orders give way to political agendas. During these troubling times we need to ask ourselves whether we choose of be “all in” or “all out”. I would choose to be “all in” and take seriously my service to the Lord.
#3002 |A search for the truth. A church is only as good as the members. Unfortunately in this day in age we are watching most churches fall or succumb to humanist influence. It is heart wrenching at the least and the only viable solution is to associate with those of the strongest faith in Christ. The Knights Templar hold true to the Christian beliefs and practices as other orders give way to political agendas. During these troubling times we need to ask ourselves whether we choose of be “all in” or “all out”. I would choose to be “all in” and take seriously my service to the Lord.
Amen Scott, I couldn’t agree more. There are many Templar groups that have given in to Political Correctness, secular humanism, and the agenda of the United Nations. I believe these compromises are a step too far from our Lord Jesus Christ. In an effort to be accepted in society, they have left the faith. It’s a risky thing to not put our faith in Christ as our #1 priority. It should not be replaced by politics, by being recognized/accepted, by being part of a world body.
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