The Secret of Today’s Knighthood

You want to be a Knight Templar. You’ve studied the literature and adopted the Knightly virtues. Perhaps you’ve received some sort of accolade as a rite of passage.

But something’s wrong. You don’t feel like a Knight Templar. You’re not convinced you really are one. No one seems to recognize or honor it. The world you live in is filled with technology experts, financial planners, politicians, clerks, factory workers, doctors, lawyers, carpenters, plumbers, teachers, etc.—but no Knights. With whom do you identify? Historical or fictional characters from the Middle Ages? Some religious order or civic group? Re-enactors? Or just your imagination?

The popular image of a Knight dressed in armor and wielding a sword no longer exists. That ancient profession is now extinct and therein lies the problem. You cannot be a Knight unless you perceive yourself as one and even then, the world will not acknowledge you as such.

That doesn’t mean it can’t be done. It means your expectations have to change. More is required than what the world sees as an outdated title. If you want to be a Knight, like most things worthy of effort, you have to do it yourself.

That isn’t easy. The old time aristocracy associated with Knighthood has been replaced by democracy. And there is some benefits associated with this change. Noble castles have been replaced by skyscrapers, denoting a shift away from chivalry and toward business acumen. We develop ourselves others less, and amuse ourselves more. Upholding moral standards has dramatically declined as the appeal of the anti-hero gives us all a free pass. Convenient technologies reduce hardships at the cost of self-discipline. We would rather “entertain ourselves to death” rather than fight for a good cause. Everyday heroes may seem to be no longer  needed. We have professional soldiers and police to keep us safe. Image-making and bank accounts now define us, leaving us empty at the same time.

It almost feels like the world has conspired against knightly ambitions and in n a way, it has. That’s all the more reason to reclaim them. We know that the world, while hindering our progress, has desperate need for the heroic qualities that Knighthood fosters. I don’t need to convince you of that. You feel it in your bones, or would not be reading this. The world mourns the loss of moral advancement. “Greed has poisoned men’s souls,” and we need a cultural remedy. The urge of conscience that we feel calls out for the values of Knighthood.

Still interested in finding a way to perceive yourself as a Knight Templar?

It depends on what you are willing to do to become one. You start by changing your life accordingly. If you choose action over complacency, your change of perception will be based on something real.

What are you willing to do to be a Knight? I’ve seen the accolade given, and nothing changed at all. This was followed by an inevitable disenchantment with Knighthood. People expect that the title itself will change them—make them stronger, more significant in the eyes of others, etc. But it does not. It is your response to the title, or more properly, your commitment, that makes you a Knight. Dedication decides everything. If you find yourself slipping, try harder. True Knighthood is not for the asking. It takes work. That’s what makes it worth while.

If we are pursuing the path of Knighthood expecting accolades from others or for others to look up to you or to place yourself on a pedestal, then we are not following the true knight’s path. This path is one of service, not personal rewards in terms of special recognition or to make us feel good about ourselves. We should be willing to serve with no expectation of recognition.

Serve the Lord above all things and defend His church. Pray every day and recite your Templar Oath each morning as soon as you wake up. Talk less, and listen more. Be honest, but not hurtful. Be courteous, but never deceitful. Respect truth by always learning more. Be generous. Help those who are in need. Support good causes so that the world gains by your existence. Treat others fairly and love one another as Christ would.. Help the weak, downtrodden, widow, orphan, senior citizen, depressed, and defenseless. Always speak out against injustice.

Consider studying a martial art. The confidence, self-discipline and physical skills make a marked difference. Take care of your health. Refuse to take illegal drugs. Refuse alcohol and tobacco as well if you really want to stand out.

Good hygiene helps project a knightly image. Maintaining emotional stability, especially during times of stress, is a sign of strength. Learn to forgive as Christ commanded us to. Do not hesitate to seek forgiveness as well. It will liberate your conscience for positive action. Resist conventional wisdom by loving yourself less, and others more. Appreciate the mystery of life. It’s called “dying to yourself” so that your joy comes from serving the less fortunate. You will soon find that nothing gives you inner joy and happiness more than serving those less fortunate than you. It’s the secrete that depressed people have not figured out. It makes us realize how truly rich we are (not necessarily monetarily) and thankful to God for what we have.

Discover the strength that comes from humility. Accept failure by learning from it, and try again. Put fun aside and discover joy. Fulfill all your responsibilities without regret or hesitation. Make a commitment to God to attend church every week and keep it. You’ll notice a new inner dedication to our heavenly Father.

Believe in humanity, despite all its shortcomings. Contribute your own efforts toward virtue. Follow no one who is without personal honor—better yet, follow no one at all. Lead by example and through inspiration. Become today’s hero everyday, instead of waiting for someone else.

With all this in mind, do you still want to be a Knight Templar? If yes, then tell yourself “this is what Knight Templars do”—and do it.

